Founded in 1898, Oldham & Royton Harriers are a Club with a long tradition for being a friendly, family club that looks after its runners from beginners to more serious racers.
We’re based in Chadderton, at Radclyffe Sports Centre, Hunt Lane, OL9 0LS.
Our road running group is split into four groups based on ability – from beginners to the racers! We like to have a laugh but take our training seriously. We enjoy going to races as a group and we cheer and support all our runners to the finish.
On Club nights (Monday and Thursday 7-8) we don’t just go for a run, we have specially planned training sessions to help all runners improve. Each group has a qualified coach leading the session.
We also have a coached track session on alternate Wednesdays (7-8) and some of our athletes meet up on a Saturday morning and run together to and from parkrun.
We coach athletics sessions for children aged 10 upwards, these are based on England Athletics 360 Run, Jump and Throw which covers all types of athletic events.
For ages 15 and over, we have sprint sessions which range from the basics to the complex, speed endurance to speed, strength and conditioning, plyometrics, circuits and core.
For the road running group, come along and give it a go and we’ll even give you two weeks free to see if it suits you!
Please contact the club with regards to the junior groups.
Instagram @oldhamandroytonharriersac
Facebook @Oldham and Royton Harriers AC